About us

Welcome to the Bristol Somali Forum, your gateway to community empowerment, representation, and integration. We are a dedicated platform that unites active Somali community groups and voluntary organisations in Bristol, fostering inclusivity and collaboration for the betterment of our vibrant community.

Our Mission

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to addressing the pressing concerns and challenges faced by the Somali community in Bristol. We strive to:

1. Foster Unity: The Bristol Somali Forum aims to bring together diverse voices within our community. We create a space where individuals, groups, and organisations can unite, share ideas, and collaborate on projects that benefit us all.

2. Amplify Representation: We recognize the importance of being heard and seen in shaping local policies and services. We work tirelessly to ensure that the Somali community in Bristol is well-represented, enabling us to influence decisions that impact our lives.

3. Support Integration: Integration is vital for thriving in any community. We provide a platform for dialogue, planning, and coordination, helping newcomers and long-standing residents connect, adapt, and prosper in Bristol.

4. Advocate for Change: As a collective voice, we advocate for the rights and well-being of our community members. We engage with local service providers, advocating for better support services and addressing issues related to inadequate representation.

Our Roots

The Bristol Somali Forum was established in response to the growing concerns voiced by local service providers regarding the challenges faced by the Somali community. Inadequate representation and a lack of coordinated support services were clear obstacles. Our founders recognized the need for a platform that could address these concerns head-on.

Our Vision

We envision a Bristol where the Somali community thrives, where every member has the opportunity to succeed and contribute. Our vision is one of unity, representation, and empowerment, where the Bristol Somali Forum is at the forefront of positive change.

Get Involved

The Bristol Somali Forum is open to everyone who shares our vision and values. Whether you’re a community group, organisation, or an individual interested in making a difference, we welcome you to join us in our journey to create a brighter future for the Somali community in Bristol.

Together, we can build a stronger, more connected, and empowered community. Join us today and be a part of the change. Together, we can shape a brighter future for the Somali community in Bristol.